Standard cost accounting Wikipedia

standard costing

Attainable standards, as the name suggests, are standards that are attainable. This attainable standards represent an optimal achievable standard and take into account predictable or expected wastage unlike ideal standards. However, the standard does not make any provisions for avoidable interruptions as these can be easily avoided by using improving the efficiency of the processes. This promotes a sense of accountability within the management and the employees of a business. Since attainable standards are developed with realistic goals, these can have a positive impact on the motivation of employees. Lean accounting is designed to streamline accounting processes to maximize productivity and quality.

How to calculate standard costs

standard costing

Since the calculation of variances can be difficult, we developed several business forms (for PRO members) to help you get started and to understand what the variances tell us. These standards make proper allowances for normal recurring interferences such as machine breakdown, delays, rest periods, unavoidable waste, and so on. All these activities require significant expenditures, which considerably increase the overall expenditures of the organization. Standard hour means a hypothetical hour, which represents the amount of work that should be performed in one hour under standard conditions. Because the Standard Costing requires highly skillful and competent personnel, it becomes a costly system too. With the exception of the hourly rates, all of these numbers will need to be estimated.

What are Standard Costs?

  • This is often achieved by measuring the difference between actual and standard cost, as well as analyzing the causes to improve efficiency through executive action.
  • However, today, many managers are still evaluated on their labor efficiencies, and many downsizing, rightsizing, and other labor reduction campaigns are based on them.
  • Management by exception is another managerial approach in which management gives attention to matters that materially deviate from established standards.
  • When a dollar amount is assigned to labor, materials and manufacturing overhead, the budget can be completed.
  • But if it costs more than the standard cost, that’s an unfavorable variance.
  • Standard Costing is used to minimize costs, improve quality, and increase efficiency.

Another objective of standard cost is to make the entire organisation cost conscious. It makes the employees to recognise the importance of efficient operations so that costs can be reduced by joint efforts. The second objective of standard cost is to help the management in exercising control over the costs through the principle of exception.

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A standard must be thought of in terms of specific items, such as dollars of material or hours of labor required. Standard costs are based on normal or ideal conditions of efficiency and volume, particularly with respect to factory overheads. No business can predict every expense it will encounter in a year, particularly manufacturers who purchase materials from vendors who change their prices periodically. Instead of these two extremes, a company would set an attainable standard, which is one that employees can reach with reasonable effort. The standards are not so high that employees will not try to reach them and not so low that they do not give any incentive for employees to achieve profitability. Review this article on how to develop a standard cost system for more details.

Direct Materials Variance

When using lean accounting, traditional costing methods are replaced by value-based pricing and lean-focused performance measurements. Financial decision-making is based on the impact on the company’s total value stream profitability. Value streams are the profit centers of a company; a profit center is any branch or division that directly adds to a company’s bottom-line profitability. To determine the standard for overhead, the coffee shop would first need to consider the fact that it has two types of overhead as shown in Figure 8.2. Greater detail about the calculation of the variable and fixed overhead is provided in Compute and Evaluate Overhead Variances.

standard costing

Discouragement for Workers

  • Standard cost is used to measure the efficiency of future production or future operations.
  • Accordingly, standard price of raw materials is determined based on present market price and expected inflation.
  • If it costs less to produce a product than the standard cost predicted, that’s a favorable variance.
  • Remedial steps are suggested to avoid repeating unfavorable variances in the future.

Then, as you produce more product, you can update this estimate based on your actual costs to reduce variances. This is the number of hours of labor required to produce your product times the average hourly rate you pay your workers. If it takes five hours to make a product, and you pay your employees an average of $15 per hour, your direct labor cost would be $75. For example, if you use more cloth to make your clothing than you’d planned when creating your standard cost, that’s a materials quantity variance.

Helpful in Budgeting

standard costing

Management can then direct its attention to the cause of the differences from the planned amounts. Standard hour (SH) measures the amount of work that should be performed in an hour under standard conditions. The fundamental for decision on allocation of overheads is the output of a process in each hour. Standard cost involves different elements of costs, such as material, labor and overheads, in respect of a product.

standard costing

Accounting Ratios

  • She enjoys writing about a variety of health and personal finance topics.
  • The setting up of standard costs requires the consideration of quantities, price or rates, and qualities or grades for each element of cost that enters a product (i.e., materials, labor, and overheads).
  • Standard cost offers a criterion against which actual costs incurred by the business can be measured and analyzed.
  • Possible reductions inproduction costs A standard cost system may lead to costsavings.
  • One standard in particular that the consulting firm developed seemed too excessive to plant management.

In this sense, a standard cost is something that is established as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging a quantity, quality, or value. This is often achieved by measuring the difference between actual and standard cost, as well as analyzing the causes to improve efficiency through executive action. Note that the entire price variance pertaining to all of the direct materials received was recorded immediately (as opposed to waiting until the materials were used). Direct materials are the raw materials that are directly traceable to a product.

Likewise, another objective of this costing technique is to motivate employees. When the employees of the business know the standards they must meet, they are motivated to work efficiently. However, these standards must be achievable and realistic or else they can have a negative effect on the motivation of employees. In addition, management shall need to distinguish the controllable and non-controllable factors for the evaluation of performance. Cost accounting is specifically intended for managers and employees who are a part of your business and responsible for making important decisions.

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